Building a Spice Rack
Who doesn't love spices? With their assortment of smells and colors, spices not only add taste to our food but they also add color to our kitchen. I mean, that is only if you have a nice way of displaying them of course. If you keep your spices hidden in the closed cabinets of your kitchen, you don't get this extra benefit. Also when they are not right in front of your eyes, you don't realize that you ran out of a particular one until you need it most. This naturally calls for a beautiful and functional spice rack that we can proudly hang in our kitchen. And what is better than building it yourself according to your available space in the kitchen? In this post, I will share with you how I built a very simple but functional space rack in my kitchen. I hope you find this post motivating if you have been pondering about having something similar in your kitchen. Okay, on with Step 1: get a piece of flat wooden board. I've used the following one, which is a 80cm by 40cm...