Garlic, Broad (Fava) Beans, and Peas

Hi there,

Last year I decided to grow broad beans for the first time without knowing what to expect. So I sowed broad beans in a plot of size 15m by 1.5m (50 feet by 5 feet). The result was amazing. Here are two pictures of it on May 10th 2023 (the sowing was in late November):

This small plot produced so many broad beans that we had to give away a lot. We also shelled and preserved some for the winter by freezing them. Finally, I saved some seeds to replanting next year.

Now, this year I wanted to make a small change on the plot by not only growing broad beans but also peas and garlic. I've planted the front row (further away from the wall) with garlic. The broad beans were in the center. And I've planted the peas toward the wall. Here is how it looks like as of February 19th:

The peas were just starting to emerge:

You can also see some broccoli which were planted late fall. I'll share more pictures of this year's growth over the coming.

So overall, if you have an empty plot that you want to grow something over the winter and until late spring, this combination of garlic, fava (broad) beans, and peas can be a great choice. It is because after you harvest them in early to late spring, you can reuse the plot for something else.

In my case, after harvesting them last year, I've planted tomatoes on around June 15th. This could be somewhat late but worked perfectly for our schedule as in September, October, and November till the frost kill them, we had a bountiful supply of homegrown tomatoes.

Now that I mentioned tomatoes, I need to share a picture of them too.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this post. If you have any comments, please share them with me so I can learn your point of view on the subject as well.



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